Hologic Launches Patient Education Campaign to Bust Common Myths About Breast Cancer

Hologic is launching a comprehensive patient education campaign to bust common myths about breast cancer, mammograms and breast density. 

“As a leading women’s health organization, we are committed to supporting women at every stage of their health journey and that includes advocating for change and increasing awareness about the importance of breast cancer screening and early detection,” said Steve MacMillan, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hologic. “There are many harmful myths about mammograms that keep women from understanding their risks and getting screened annually. We want to empower women with facts so they can prioritize themselves and take charge of their health with confidence.”   

Breast cancer remains the world’s most common cancer in women, impacting 1 in 8 women over the course of their lifetime. When detected early, breast cancer is highly treatable, with a five-year survival rate of 99%.iii Despite the prevalence of breast cancer and the benefits of early detection, more than 40% of women in the United States reported skipping potentially life-saving breast cancer screenings. The primary reasons women skip or delay a recommended exam include not knowing the screening was necessary or important for them, anxiety about the exam, lack of time or concerns about pain or discomfort.   

“At Hologic, we are committed to continually advancing technology and improving patient outcomes across the continuum of breast health,” said Erik Anderson, Hologic’s President of Breast and Skeletal Health Solutions. “But we know that world-class technology alone won’t decrease rates of death from breast cancer. It also takes empowering and practical education, and #BustTheMyth adds to our extensive history of public outreach – all in our commitment to saving and improving more lives.” 

Hologic’s educational campaign addresses many deterrents to screening by dispelling common myths and helping women learn the truth about who needs mammograms and more, including:   

  • Myth: I don’t have a family history of breast cancer, so I don’t need to worry.  
    Truth: While genetics can be a factor, 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history 
  • Myth: I can tell if my breasts are dense by feeling them.   
    Truth: Breast density cannot be felt. It is determined by a mammogram. Having dense breasts increases your risk of breast cancer, which makes annual screening especially critical. Hologic’s 3D Mammography exam is the only mammogram FDA-approved as superior for women with dense breasts when compared to 2D alone. 

Hologic’s #BustTheMyth campaign debuts at a critical moment for women. Earlier this year, the United States Preventive Services Taskforce released updated breast cancer screening guidelines. Additionally, this month, new reporting standards from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration went into effect that require mammography facilities to notify patients about their breast density. These changes make education and awareness even more important for women who are trying to understand screening guidelines or who may not know why their breast density matters. 

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