The Northwest Radiology Experience
AR Connect Digital Articles
Device Applications Specialists Deliver Technology and Expertise

Often, the true value of medical technology can be found in the experts who provide service, training, and support for the complex technologies they install.

Bracco’s SmartInject Solutions | Powered by Outstanding IT Applications Support

An IT Applications Specialist wears many hats, project manager, trainer, custom service liaison, and product consultant.

SmartInject Solutions Deliver Advanced Patient Care with Cost-effective Capital Investments

Bracco is well-positioned to support the imaging community in navigating the many changes that are occurring in the industry.

“Big Data” Supports Best Practices in CT Imaging

“We recently implemented this software, which has been advantageous because of its ability to integrate at multiple levels. It communicates with injectors in CT and MR, as well as with PACS, RIS, and EMR systems,” Daniele Marin, MD

The Benefits of Saline and Dual-Head Injectors

"The saline test injection protocol has proven to reduce our facility’s extravasation rate by over 50%." Ryan Lee, MD

Artificial Intelligence and Imaging Optimization

“I think you can generate some very powerful data for protocol optimization by being able to integrate information about the radiation dose and the contrast injection.” Daniele Marin, MD.

The Medical Physicist | Part of the Team

"Physicists are now on the front line, working with the team, and I think that dynamic has completely evolved our role.” Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD

Radiology Informatics | The Impact of Data on Personalized Medicine

“I think we're moving in from a thirty-thousand-foot point of view towards personalized medicine, giving the right dose of contrast media is part of that.” Matthew Kuhn, MD

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