ACR Names 2022 Hillman Fellows

The American College of Radiology (ACR) awarded the 2022 Bruce J Hillman Fellowship in Scholarly Publishing to Randy Christopher Miles, MD, MPH, and Courtney Tomblinson, MD. The fellowship provides qualified staff radiologists or radiologists-in-training with a concentrated experience in medical editing, journalism and publishing at the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR).

“The Hillman Fellowship remains one of the Journal highlights,” said Ruth C Carlos, MD, MS, FACR, editor-in-chief of the JACR. “I look forward to a long relationship with Drs Miles and Tomblinson. Many of our Hillman fellows subsequently join the journal as assistant editors and members of the editorial board.”

Dr Miles is the division chief of breast imaging and the associate director of research (radiology) at Denver Health Hospital. He has served as an ad hoc reviewer of many health journals, including JACR.

Dr Tomblinson is the director of Women in Radiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC). She will assume the position of program director of the VUMC Neuroradiology Fellowship in July. Dr Tomblinson has served as a JACR assistant editor during the past year.

The fellows will report to the ACR headquarters in September to gain experience editing and publishing the JACR with Dr Carlos and JACR staff, as well as spend time in New York City with the publisher of the JACR. The fellowship also includes an ongoing project with the journal, a one-year appointment to the editorial board and an invitation to the editorial retreat.

The Hillman Fellowship is named for the JACR founding editor-in-chief Bruce J Hillman, MD, who helmed the journal from its launch in 2004 until 2019. The fellowship began in 2015, and the journal has hosted a total of nine fellows.

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