April 2016Vol 45 • Issue 4

Deciphering drug-induced interstitial lung disease: A mechanistic approach

By Beth A. Ripley MD, PhD; Tatiana Kelil MD; Ritu R. Gill MD, MPH
April 4, 2016

Imaging of the biliary tree: Infection, inflammation and infiltration

By Triona M. Walshe, MB BCh BAO, FFR RCSI; Kelly A. McLean, BASc, MD; Roshni Patel, MBBS, BSc(Hons), FRCR, FRCPC; Silvia D .Chang,
April 4, 2016

We’d better care if it’s right or wrong

By Stuart E. Mirvis, MD, FACR
April 4, 2016

Sclerosing adenosis mimicking malignant lesion on breast MRI

By Eugenia Payne, MD; Melinda Coker, MD; Tatyana Bombard, DO; Zarine Kamaluddin, MD; Richard Cantley, MD; and Haitham Elsamaloty, M
April 4, 2016

Giant bilateral hemorrhagic adrenal myelolipomas

By Syrone Liu, MD, and Ronald Becker, MD
April 4, 2016

In defense of books

By C. Douglas Phillips, MD
April 4, 2016