Gadopiclenol Injection | Practical Considerations for Use

With the recent FDA approval of gadopiclenol injection, radiologists now have the choice of a macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) with 2 – 3 times higher relaxivity at a lower standard dose as compared to other gadolinium-based contrast agents on the marke

Therefore, and because gadopiclenlol is different than other currently available GBCAs, a review of the clinical benefits of using a higher relaxivity GBCA at a lower administered dose is important. A clear understanding of relaxivity and calculation of the volume to be administered based on dosing considerations, is necessary

In this accredited webinar, Mr. Faulkner will provide insights into the differences of the current FDA-approved GBCAs and how these differences apply to MR imaging. Following the presentation, questions from the audience were addressed during a live Q&A.


View this CE Accredited Webinar Here!