April 2014Vol 43 • Issue 4

Innovations in CT imaging of acute stroke: Adding value, reducing dose, improving consistency

By Anne Marie McLellan, DO, Idoia Corcuera-Solano, MD, and Lawrence N. Tanenbaum, MD
April 18, 2014

Muscle beach: Abdominal wall musculature and associated hernias

By Ania Z. Kielar, MD, FRPCP, Shauna Duigenan, MD, FRCPC, and Matthew D. McInnes, MD, FRCPC
April 18, 2014

Visiting overseas residents — A win-win

By Stuart E. Mirvis, MD, FACR
April 18, 2014

Radiological Case: Intra-abdominal desmoid tumor

By Rizvan A. Mirza, MD, Munir V. Ghesani, MD, and Warren E. Enker, MD
April 18, 2014

Radiological Case: Traumatic injury to the left internal mammary artery

By Hena Joshi, MS3, BS, Jay Radhakrishnan, MD, Eran Rotem, MD, and Hal Gregory Bowers, MD
April 18, 2014

Fibroadenoma within a radial scar

By Angel Arnaout, MD, Shilpa Lad, MD, Merit Elmaadawi, MD, Susan Robertson, MD, Kevin Ibach, MD, Fatima Haggar, MD, and Jean Seely,
April 18, 2014

Wet Read: Chocolate

By C. Douglas Phillips, MD
April 18, 2014