Wet Read: Image briefly

By C. Douglas Phillips, MD

“Fame is only good for one thing—they will cash your check in a small town.”

—Truman Capote

I think I touched a nerve with the rant on MR study length (Wet Read, April 2015). I got quite a few e-mails, some nice comments, and only a few threats of bodily harm if I mentioned anyone’s name.

Don’t worry, guys. I won’t tell a soul. As long as you promise to read the studies you protocoled yourself, I won’t give you up.

It seems pretty clear that most of you agree with me. The number of sequences in an MR study is not an indication that you actually are doing GOOD imaging, only that you’re doing a LOT of it. I’ve heard from a few of you (and I agree with you wholeheartedly) that the actual fact may be that the larger the study, the less likely that someone is comfortable reading what they are reading. As if, somehow, throwing 15 sequences at that clinical issue of which you know little will render the answer crystal clear when you sit down to read it. Wrong-o.


Image Briefly. I am going to get some t-shirts printed, maybe also some coffee mugs. For the low price of $29.99, I’ll send you a custom-designed hoodie with your now favorite logo right on the front. With a nice four-color rendition of an MRI scanner on the back! Hey kids, get your checks in early! Don’t want to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.


I kid you. Just a little.

I received many more comments that studies are getting longer with no real gain in accuracy, clinical utility, radiologist confidence in diagnosis, etc., than I did expressing the contrary opinion.

How many of you have lain down in that thing? I have. Fifteen minutes is achievable; 25 minutes if you promise me a lollipop. I may even have 30 minutes in me if you promise something substantial. For 45 minutes you’d better give me fame, wealth, and a lifetime promise of success and good looks. I’m serious.

Image Briefly. Let’s all repeat it, get the chant going, and recruit our friends. I’m going to ride this slogan to greatness. OK, I’m sorry. Got carried away there.

Keep doing that good work.
