SNMMI Selects New Officers During Virtual Annual Meeting

Published Date: June 15, 2021
By News Release

During its 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting last week, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) selected a new slate of officers.

Richard L. Wahl, MD, was elected as 2021-22 SNMMI president. Dr. Wahl is the Elizabeth E. Mallinckrodt Professor and head of radiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, director of the university’s Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology and professor of radiation oncology. He plans to focus on ensuring patient access to nuclear medicine diagnostics and therapeutics, enhancing the diversity and number of professionals working in nuclear medicine, and fostering discovery and innovation in nuclear medicine science.

“Nuclear medicine is undergoing a renaissance as a precision medicine specialty, with new radiopharmaceuticals, theranostics, and instrumentation to elucidate biology and benefit patients,” Dr. Wahl stated.

Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM, FACR, chief of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging at Mount Sinai Health Enterprise and associate professor of radiology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, NY, was named president-elect. As a staunch advocate of the critical role of nuclear medicine in healthcare delivery, Dr. Ghesani has set goals to streamline approval of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging technologies; advance and promote education, quality, value and safety; and foster availability and clinical utilization of nuclear medicine.

Helen Nadel, MD, FRCPC, director of pediatric nuclear medicine at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, and clinical professor of radiology at the Stanford School of Medicine, in Stanford, California, was named as vice president-elect. Dr. Nadel has been an active SNMMI member for more than 30 years, serving as a member of the House of Delegates and on the Pediatric Imaging Council board, PET Center of Excellence board of directors, Scientific Program Committee, Membership Committee and The Journal of Nuclear Medicine editorial board, among other posts.


Dusty M. York, MAEd, CNMT, PET, ARRT(N)(CT), associate professor and clinical coordinator of the nuclear medicine program at Chattanooga State Community College in Chattanooga, Tennessee, was elected as the 2021-22 president for the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Technologist Section (SNMMI-TS).


Krystle W. Glasgow, MIS, CNMT, NMTCB(CT), NMAA, FSNMMI-TS, teacher and clinical coordinator at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama, was elected as the 2021-22 president-elect for SNMMI-TS.

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