SIR Names New President, Executive Council, SIR Foundation Board of Directors

Published Date: June 14, 2022
By News Release

During SIR’s annual Members’ Business Meeting, Parag J. Patel, MD, MS, FSIR, an interventional radiologist and professor of radiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, assumed the office of president. New SIR Executive Council and SIR Foundation Board of Directors members were also announced.

“As SIR approaches its 50th anniversary, we are transforming how we do business to meet the needs of our diverse membership, giving energy to ideas to help our members thrive in their chosen practice models,” said Dr Patel. “Throughout the pandemic, SIR has become more agile and responsive. We will build on that momentum to deliver training, resources and tools that empower competitive IR teams and enable the best patient care possible.” 

Other incoming officers of SIR’s 2022–2023 Executive Council include President-elect Alda L Tam, MD, FSIR, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; newly appointed Secretary Robert J Lewandowski, MD, FSIR, Northwestern Medicine, Chicago; and Immediate Past-president Matthew S Johnson, MD, FSIR, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis.

New and re-elected members of the SIR Executive Council are:

  • Raymond W Liu, MD, FSIR—SIR and SIR Foundation Treasurer
  • Nishita Kothary, MD, FSIR—Councilor at-large
  • C Matthew Hawkins, MD, FSIR—Health Policy and Economics Division Councilor
  • Rahul A Sheth, MD—Interventional Oncology Councilor

Following the 2022 Annual Member’s Business Meeting, Theresa M Caridi, MD, FSIR, associate professor and division director of interventional radiology at the University of Alabama At Birmingham, assumed the role of chair of the SIR Foundation Board of Directors and Katharine L Krol, MD, FSIR, the past chair.


“For more than 30 years, SIR Foundation has ensured the promise and the practice of IR are supported by evidence and patient outcomes,” said Dr Caridi. “With the launch of new grant programs and a new clinical trials network, SIR Foundation continues to advance IR through research that furthers IR knowledge, priorities, and partnerships, expanding access to IR for patients.”


SIR Foundation also appointed the following members to its Board of Directors:

  • Maureen P Kohi, MD, FSIR—Vice Chair
  • Govindarajan Srimathveeravalli, PhD—Scientist Member
  • Amy C Taylor, MD—Development Division Chair