Radiologist Confidence Improves With Imaging Biometrics’ DSC Perfusion-Derived FTB Maps
A study published in the American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) demonstrated that, in general, perfusion MRI improved interreader agreement and confidence in neuroradiologist interpretation when evaluating brain tumors. It also reported Imaging Biometrics’ (IB) DSC-FTB resulted in the highest agreement in BT-RADS (a structured reporting system specific to brain tumors) scores among all raters as well as the highest confidence scores for interpretation. Moreover, perfusion MRI resulted in interpretation changes that could alter therapeutic management in up to 20% of patients.
IB’s FTB maps are generated from IB Delta T1 and IB Neuro’s standardized relative cerebral blood volume (sRCBV) maps; both of which are quantitative. “The quantitative characteristics of these maps is a key differentiator as it enables consistent and accurate output independent of scanner vendor, field strength, patient, or time point,” said Michael Schmainda, CEO of IB. The quantitative maps also allow for direct volumetric comparison across time to monitor response to treatment.
As the paper noted, the high-level of agreement was found despite the range of practice experience suggesting that IB’s DSC-FTB maps seem to level the playing ground for interpretation based on experience.
The study was led by Michael Iv, MD, Associate Professor and Director of Brain Tumor Imaging at Stanford University Medical Center.