iQMR from Medic Vision Enables Fast MR Protocols While Maintaining Image Quality

By News Release

Medic Vision is presenting iQMR, its AI-assisted image enhancement system that enables the use of fast MR protocols while maintaining image quality. iQMR (intelligent Quick Magnetic Resonance) is based on an AI-assisted technology to support fast MR protocols on MR scanners of any vendor and model by substantially increasing SNR and image quality.

“iQMR is an add-on tool for improving the efficiency and productivity of MR scanners. It can make a huge difference in the day-to-day workflow and allow radiologists to add more scans per day or to handle current patient capacity with a smaller staff,” said Eyal Aharon, Medic Vision CEO.

iQMR is a centralized network-based add-on system. It connects to all MR scanners in the imaging department or practice via the DICOM network. iQMR receives fast-scan noisy images from the MR scanner and automatically processes them, then sends the high-quality images to PACS and/or other workstations.

iQMR is FDA-cleared for all body parts and is installed in more than 100 installations across the US, and more than 200 hospitals and imaging centers worldwide.


Aharon stressed that AI tools must demonstrate a “measurable impact” on day-to-day operations in the MR suite. A quantitative multi-site study conducted in imaging centers in the US and Brazil shows that implementing iQMR results in a 40% reduction in MR scan time on average, with a 35% boost in productivity – all while maintaining and even enhancing image quality.


RSNA Booth: 4543 AI Showcase