Going Green

By Erin Simon Schwartz, MD

On behalf of Anderson Publishing, Ltd, I am pleased to announce that Applied Radiology will be transitioning to an entirely digital publication at the end of this year. The Nov/Dec issue will be our last hard-copy edition for subscribers in the continental US. For many years, subscribers outside the continental US have been exclusively receiving a digital version of the journal, and that will become the standard for all subscribers starting with our first issue of 2025.

This decision was not taken lightly. Like many of you, I enjoy holding these pages in my hand and flipping through the journal in its printed format. But we need to acknowledge and support the current climate, double entendre intended.

As you will read in the outstanding Global Health Imaging column by Drs Omary and Studer in this issue, it is paramount for us to understand the relationship between climate change and human health. And then we need to do our part to support sustainability in our homes and our radiology practices, as well as here at AR .

Even when using as much post-consumer recycled paper as reasonably possible, printing requires paper. Trees are one of the most effective carbon-capturing mechanisms in our world and, while the science is clear that we should not be cutting more down to make paper, it is far from clear that restoration and natural regrowth efforts are as effective as our planet needs them to be.1, 2

Added to that are the greenhouse gases generated by printing, processing, distributing, and delivering hard-copy journals. Most data on publishing relates to books but, regarding pulp and paper, book publishers were considered the third-largest industrial greenhouse gas emitter on the planet last year 3 on the production side alone (not including the distribution and mailing). Kudos to the US Postal Service for their plan to “reduce emissions from fuel and electricity by 40 percent and reduce emissions from services purchased by 20 percent” by 2030.4 We will be doing our part to support that effort, too.

To that end, we are changing our format. However, there will be no change in content; we will continue to provide the same high-quality review articles, columns, and case reports that our readers have enjoyed for more than 50 years. The journal will also continue to be published online in “book” form, as we have done for many years. At appliedradiology.com, in addition to the individual PDFs of the articles, cases, and columns, we offer a complete edition of each issue that can be digitally “paged through.” It is a rather satisfying way to read the journal from the digital device of your choice. Even on a cell phone screen it is quite legible and easy to navigate; we have made sure of that.

If you have been exclusively reading our print edition, I encourage you to explore the digital version of this issue, too. We hope that it will offer you an “as close to paper” experience while doing our part to preserve our climate.

Thank you all for your support of Applied Radiology .


1. Thambi S . Trees are good for tackling climate change, right? Forbes; 2024. Accessed 28 September 2024. https://www.forbes.com/sites/simithambi/2024/06/12/trees-are-good-for-tackling-climate-change-right/
2. Melillo J . Forests and climate change. Climate Portal; 2021. Accessed 28 September 2024. https://climate.mit.edu/explainers/forests-and-climate-change
3. Talbot D . Impact of book publishing on environment. WordsRated; 2023. Accessed 28 September 2024. https://wordsrated.com/impact-of-book-publishing-on-environment/
4. U.S. postal service sets broad goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. USPS News; 2024. Accessed 28 September 2024. https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/0206-usps-sets-broad-goals-to-reduce-greenhouse-gas-emissions-by-2030.htm
Erin Simon Schwartz, MD. (Oct 01, 2024). Going Green. Appl Radiol. 2024; 53(5):3 - 3.
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