Call for Service

By Erin Simon Schwartz, MD

As we open the door to a new year, I am excited to introduce a new section of the Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Radiology called, “Early Career Radiologist.” Under the direction of Associate Editor Yasha Gupta, MD, this section will focus on matters of practical importance to radiologists-in-training and those still early in their career. A new column will be dedicated to these topics.

Moreover, we want you—the medical students, radiology residents, radiology fellows, and early career radiologists among us—to help fill the section with enthusiastic members and fill the column with valuable content.

Want to volunteer? If you are a medical student interested in radiology, a radiology resident or fellow, or a practicing radiologist less than five years out of training, email me your CV and your best ideas for future columns.

Transitions and Additions

I want to express my gratitude to Kristin K Porter, MD, PhD, as she steps down from her role as associate editor for radiological cases. Dr Porter recently transitioned to private practice, limiting her time for academic pursuits. Thankfully, she has agreed to remain active in the Applied Radiology family as a reviewer of case submissions. We value her past and future contributions immensely.

Stepping into this important position is Elizabeth Snyder, MD, assistant professor of radiology and radiological sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Nashville, Tennessee. As the new associate editor for radiological cases, Dr Snyder will build upon the infrastructure created by Dr Porter and oversee our transition to a new software platform that promises to streamline the case submission and review process. Dr Snyder will also continue to grow the section with additional reviewers.


Lastly, I am also pleased to announce two more terrific new additions to our Editorial Advisory Board:

  • Ryne A Didier, MD joins our Ultrasound section. Dr Didier is a pediatric radiologist and fetal imager at Boston Children’s Hospital.
  • Osman Ahmed, MD, FCIRSE joins the Interventional Radiology section. Dr Ahmed is an interventional radiologist, director of venous interventions, and associate professor of radiology at University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.

These are exciting times at Applied Radiology, as always. But never before have there been opportunities like these to join our team — especially for radiologists in training. I do hope you will consider participating.


Schwartz ES. Call for Service. Appl Radiol. 2023;(1):6.

February 1, 2023